The Nether-World

September 22, 2006

Torture in Iraq worse than under Saddam

Filed under: Iraq, Torture — netherworld @ 12:34 am

We are constantly hearing from the Bush/Blair axis how much better things are without Saddam despite all the evidence that points to the contrary. In March 2004 Tony Blair said:

I have no doubt Iraq is better without Saddam; but no doubt either, that as a result of his removal, the dangers of the threat we face will be diminished.

And just a week ago Dick Cheney said:

“It’s still difficult, and obviously there is major, major work ahead of us. But the fact is the world is better off today with Saddam Hussein out of power.”

Those are just a couple of examples, obviously there are plenty more. So perhaps all those people who supported the war in Iraq would care to explain this:

Torture may be worse now in Iraq than under former leader Saddam Hussein, the UN’s chief anti-torture expert says.

Or this:

The brutal excesses of Saddam Hussein’s regime were relived yesterday as Iraq’s new government announced that it had hanged 27 prisoners convicted of terror and criminal charges.

A few bad apples?, Anomalies? The birth pangs of a new Middle East? Well I guess they will point out that it it isn’t coalition troops doing all this torture and murder. Apart from insurgents, these barbaric acts are being carried out by the Iraqi security services who were trained by … er, us.



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